Live Reads


Monthly column in regional lifestyle magazine

Content Writer

The Write Stuff - Playwriting for Self-Expression (10 weeks course participant)

Trustee of the Arvon foundation, the UK’s leading creative writing charity whose mission it is to transform lives through writing.
How to Teach Creative Writing with award-winning Casey Bailey, poet laureate of Birmingham and RTS award -winner
How To Teach Creative Writing (fiction masterclass) with author and teacher, Rachel Seiffert
Full Week Writing Residential - Writing for Children and YA
Tutors: Award-winning YA authors Lucy Christopher and Marcus Sedgwick
How to Teach Poetry - 3 Part Masterclass with Award-Winning Poet Caroline Bird

Participant in Teachers as Writers - The Craft of Writing Residential, Lumb Bank (Ted Hughes' former residence) - this was a collaborative project by these three bodies funded by the Arts Council.
Tutors: Award-winning author, Bali Rai, and poet and academic Alicia Stubbersfield.
Contributor to a PhD research project funded by Arvon and the University of Exeter: Assessing Creativity in Children's Writing
Member of the UKLA and its 'Teaching Writing' SIG (special interest group) and the Teacher-Writers' SIG (also hosted)
Start Writing Fiction (8 weeks course) with

Introduction to Screen-Writing (2 week course) with