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Monthly column in lifestyle magazine

Regular featured writer in R.I.S.E education magazine. 

Live Reads

RISE Phonics 1
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Monthly column in regional lifestyle magazine 

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Content Writer


The Write Stuff - Playwriting for Self-Expression (10 weeks course participant) 

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Trustee of the Arvon foundation, the UK’s leading creative writing charity whose mission it is to transform lives through writing.

How to Teach Creative Writing with award-winning Casey Bailey, poet laureate of Birmingham and RTS award -winner 

How To Teach Creative Writing (fiction masterclass) with author and teacher, Rachel Seiffert

Full Week Writing Residential - Writing for Children and YA
Tutors: Award-winning YA authors Lucy Christopher and Marcus Sedgwick

How to Teach Poetry - 3 Part Masterclass with Award-Winning Poet Caroline Bird

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Participant in Teachers as Writers - The Craft of Writing Residential,  Lumb Bank (Ted Hughes' former residence) - this was a collaborative project by these three bodies funded by the Arts Council.

Tutors: Award-winning author, Bali Rai, and poet and academic Alicia Stubbersfield. 


Contributor to a PhD research project funded by Arvon and the University of Exeter: Assessing Creativity in Children's Writing

Member of the UKLA and its 'Teaching Writing' SIG (special interest group) and the Teacher-Writers' SIG (also hosted)

Start Writing Fiction (8 weeks course) with 


Introduction to Screen-Writing (2 week course) with  


©2021 Site Constructed. by Kate McCallam 

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