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Computing Consultancy

In addition to a literacy specialism within teaching, I also know a bit about computing! I was computing lead in my school over a four year period , moving the curriculum forward via the introduction of  chromebooks and  Google Workspace for Education, as well as Minecraft for Education for example. I led the primary team on remote learning so that we were able to deliver DfE best practice for online teaching and learning from the very first lockdown. This was highlighted as a major success in both the governors' annual academic year report and the school's subsequent ISI 'excellent' inspection of January 2022.

Learning with Tablets


"Kate was instrumental in ensuring teaching and learning at our Junior School was able to continue effectively throughout the pandemic. She was quick to help 'upskill' staff and students, delivering training session in -person and remotely and acting as our Google Classroom 'guru' throughout the last 18 months. She has a wealth of ideas and experience and was at the forefront of using Google Classroom to maintain our school community, setting up our virtual staffroom to enable people to meet remotely and share best practice. As remote learning became more routine, Kate trialed new technologies, assessed their impact and cascaded her findings to staff to allow them to select the best tools to enhance their online teaching . Staff were very appreciative of Kate's knowledge. More generally, Kate is focused on enabling children to create content rather than become passive consumers and her computing lessons are inspiring." Chris Jeffrey, Headmaster Bootham School, York

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MIE Expert

"You have been chosen as an MIE (Microsoft Innovative Educator) Expert because you are self-driven, passionate about your work, have true collaborative spirit, and strive to inspire students with outside-the-box thinking on technology in education. We appreciate your resourcefulness and entrepreneurial spirit. As agents of change, you have achieved excellence in education, using technology and social media." Microsoft

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Impact of teacher workshops

100% of  teachers found the training useful. 
100% of teachers felt the training had given them confidence to use the platforms.
100% of teachers said they were 'very interested' in using the platforms and were excited about the possibilities.
100% of teachers agreed that the provider explained things clearly and responded helpfully to questions and queries they had. 
For more information on what I can offer please click here:

©2021 Site Constructed. by Kate McCallam 

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